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What To Buy This Diwali – Silver Vs Gold

With gold prices seeing so much activity, in the recent past, is it a good bet to invest in silver or gold this Diwali? Let’s find out more on the silver Vs gold battle.

silver coin for dhanteras 2016

Diwali is festival of lights and for every one of us, Diwali as well as the days leading to it are lucky and lot of metal are bought or started during this time. Dhanteras is such a day where lots us buy something as a sign of bringing prosperity during the year. So often, people plan their buy for a car, home and a lot of major things.

One such aspect of Dhanteras is buy silver or gold coin. Gold sales go sky high during the festival seasons. However off late the speculation over gold price and the various projections have made people consider silver as an investment option over gold. So what is it then ; silver or gold, what should you buy?

silver bowl for dhanteras 2016

Purpose Of Buying –

If you are in a dilemma whether to buy silver or gold coin Dhanteras, then let me ask you why are you buying it? If you are buying it as a good luck custom that a lot us do, then you can buy anything from SevenChakraIndia, because custom and tradition don’t require any market updates or prices or any other factor. They are something that is in our tradition and values and if we feel that strongly I guess going for silver or gold won’t matter much. However if you are buying for saving purposes then of course the factor like price, future projection and all may matters.